How Much Money that Annoying Facebook Friend who Sells Plexus is Actually Earning

(Please note: this article contains corrections based on reader comments. Corrections are noted throughout. I welcome feedback if there are further discrepancies.)

I have a friend who has a friend who can NOT stop talking about Plexus on her Facebook page.  It’s become a point of fascination to watch her post selfies from vacations and shopping sprees, all based off sales of a very sketchy-looking “pink drink” that we can’t believe anyone would ever buy.

Seriously. Don’t drink this.

The drink is the latest item on a conveyor-belt of weight loss products, with additional far-fetched claims that it can help ease symptoms of incredibly serious diseases like fibromyalgia, MS, and autism.  A quick Google search will tell you that they’ve received a warning from the FDA for failing to register their products as drugs, which you kind of have to do if you’re going to go around telling people you can cure their jock itch.  But there are still tons of people out there who will try anything, so their market is secure.

Additionally, Plexus is a multi-level marketing company (MLM), which rewards associates for selling stuff to their friends and then recruiting their friends to sell the stuff, too.  Think Amway, but with more risking peoples’ lives.

maxresdefault (1)
Not pictured: Scheme.

Here’s the conundrum: friend’s friend (I’ll just call her Plexus Girl) posts photos all the time of fabulous Plexus-sponsored vacations, shopping sprees, and a free Lexus, all in addition to her amazing earnings as a Plexus Ambassador, which she claims (on Facebook) is around $400,000 year.  The combined value of all of that is at least a half million.  This means that even with a commission of 50% she’s pushing out $1,000,000 worth of product, just by selling toxic Kool-Aid to her friends and family, and her percentage from recruits who do the same.  Something is fishy.  I did some sleuthing.  Here is what I learned.

Ambassadors get paid for…recruiting more ambassadors.


This very telling landing page says it all.  It’s like if Comcast said their mission was to give rude people the opportunity to provide terrible customer service by creating crap that doesn’t work and losing things.  (Is that not their Mission Statement?)

Plexus Girl has bragged about reaching something called Emerald Status, so you know she’s hot stuff.  I tried to research how much Plexus product you actually have to sell in order to reach this status, and it turned out it wasn’t that simple.  According to this, and this, and I think this, in order to reach Emerald Ambassador you need 6 Personally Sponsored Qualified Ambassadors; 375 Points Outside of Primary Leg; and 1500 Points In Your Organization.  Then you earn Number of Levels Paid On 1 – 7 and a Share in the Emerald Pool (which I hope is at least heated).

You thought I was kidding, didn’t you.

Let’s break this down.

Annual Membership Current –That’s right, you, too, can sell Pink Drink for the low low price of $34.90. That’s per year.  To sell Kool-Aid.  Insert Jonestown joke, well, just about anywhere.  This entitles you only to buy the products wholesale to keep in stock.  If you buy wholesale (instead of customers ordering online) you keep the profit from sales.  It was very difficult to confirm this—all of the materials for new “associates” use wording that strongly suggests you can’t earn a single dime unless you take the next step.  From the Official Compensation Plan:

Associate – You have paid the Annual Membership but do not have a Backup Order (AutoQualification) order in place. You are entitled to purchase product at wholesale but you cannot participate in any earnings from the Plexus Compensation Plan.

To participate in the Compensation Plan, you must upgrade to Ambassador Status.  Which I suppose happens through a rigorous internship and years of training…  Nope!  Just something called:

Backup Order (AutoQualification) In Place  – You must sign up to automatically buy a certain amount of wholesale product per month in order to earn Ambassador status and start actually earning a commission on your sales, which is where “all qualified Ambassadors will earn the majority of their income.” The sign-up kit points out that it’s not “required,” but is helpful if they want to start earning compensation.  Like breathing every so often isn’t “required” but is helpful if you want to keep living.

Personally Sponsored, Qualified Ambassadors – An Ambassador is someone who has given Plexus enough money and promises of future money to earn the right to sell their garbage.  “Sponsor” is code-word for “recruit and then profit from by scraping off the top of their commissions.”  Please do this at least six times.

Points Needed Outside of Primary Leg – My primary leg is my right because it’s my driving leg and also much shapelier.  I don’t know how many points are inside.

My non-primary leg.

Legs are based on a binary system that isn’t very exciting.  Here’s a decent explanation, if you care.  All you need to know is that each Ambassador is allowed multiple legs, with a hierarchy in each one.  In each leg you get paid based on specific sales volume, regardless of the level of the person who generated the sales.  The reason Plexus Girl needs a certain percentage of sales outside her primary (read: biggest) leg is to prevent that one leg from getting too big and crushing us all. (Please note: this is a correction based on a helpful comment from a reader.)

Okay.  What the hell is a Plexus Point and how do I get one?

You earn points based on how many people you recruit, and how many people they recruit, and so on.  Each person in your leg has a level as it relates to you.  Level one is a direct recruit.  Level two is someone they recruit, level three was recruited by the level two person, and so on.  Here’s how the points pan out.

Levels 1-3: 5 Points
Level 4: 4 Points
Level 5: 3 Points
Level 6: 2 Points
Level 7: 1 Point

So, in order to earn 1,500 Plexus points, Plexus Girl had to recruit approximately 300 people at a minimum within her network.

So the answer to the question:  How many sales does Plexus Girl have to generate in order to earn Emerald Status?

The answer is: zero.

Then why in the world is the company paying for all of these trips and expensive cars?  It doesn’t seem very cost-effective, does it?

Well, look at it this way: her 300 recruits each have to sign up for their Auto-Qualification, which is at minimum $100/month. Multiply it by 300 people (minimum), that’s $30,000 per month.  Plexus doesn’t actually give a shit if anyone is actually reselling any of it.  They only care that their Ambassadors are buying it.  The rest is just the icing on the freaky-looking pink cake.

Then you add in the fact that paying people for recruiting in an MLM scheme is illegal, you get the incentives based on vacations and shopping sprees.  You also get a percentage of the Emerald Commission Pool, which is worth 3% of the company’s gross product volume, which appears to be around $225,570,000.  Three percent of that is $6,767,100, split between this many people:

My jelly bean counting skills tell me this is roughly 100 people.

Divided up, this means your Emerald Ambassador is earning (minimum) ~$67,671 per year. (Correction from previous because math is hard.)

It’s important to understand this: they’re not actually making commission kick-back on the $30,000/month (minimum) their Ambassadors buy, because Plexus wisely implemented a policy that the commission structure doesn’t kick in until after each Ambassador has over $100 in Personal Volume.  So if Plexus Girl manages to recruit 300 people who don’t do a single thing after that, Plexus earns $360,000 per year and owes their sales team $67,671, a vacation for the top dog and his/her family ($10,000?), a lease on a Lexus (~$5,100/year), and a shopping spree at Bloomingdale’s ($5,000 is a high estimation).  Total cost to Plexus: $87,771. 

It’s true that this is only the base amount an Emerald Ambassador earns, and it would increase as Ambassadors start making actual sales and increasing their Personal Volume.  Plexus’ earnings would also go up, so it’s an even win-win from there on out, if you consider massive profits by exploiting your Ambassadors a win-win.

Based on what I’ve learned, my guess is that the creators of Plexus don’t give a shit about product.  They know they’re toeing the line legally with their claims and they know it will work for a very finite period of time.  They also know that their money is in wholesales, because they can make a lot of money from it without having to pay salespeople.  This is why they incentivize recruitment over product sales, and why many of the annoying Facebook posts are about how great it is to work for Plexus over how great their products are.

This company does not have long term plans.  They’re designed to milk as much profit from their Ambassadors as they can get until someone shuts them down.  They’re also banking on the likelihood that any fines related to outrageous and untrue claims won’t be higher than their overall earnings.  A fine will be a slap on the wrist, and they’ll walk away with cash in the bank.

So this explains one thing I’ve always wondered: why a friend of mine was once successful enough to earn the pink Mary Kay car (another MLM and confession: I actually use their products) but still couldn’t support her family on her earnings.

In my follow-up article here I get more into how much money a Plexus Ambassador earns if they actually sell the product.  It’s a pretty good hate-read.

Melissa Dylan is a writer and MBA who wants to earn a Lexus but doesn’t have any friends.

101 thoughts on “How Much Money that Annoying Facebook Friend who Sells Plexus is Actually Earning

    1. MLM is not a scam. If it was companies like, Amway, Avon, Tupperware, etc. would have been banned a long time ago. MLM’s get the bad rap from people who don’t understand that it is a business like any other and you have to work at it. People who think they can get rich quick and find out they actually have to work, are the ones who say its a “scam”. MLM’s are for people who have the drive to make something for themselves, instead of making someone else rich.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Right, not a scam…tell that to the former ambassador who took it for months, never lost weight, cancelled and is still having her credit card charged well after giving notice. I take it you’re still drinking the kool-aid. I am embarrassed to admit I fell for this and trusted my new “friends” that swore it did and made all sorts of broken promises to get me involved #plexusdoesntwork #ripoff

        Liked by 2 people

      2. If it’s primary way to make a profit is recruiting and not selling, it’s a scam. The only people who will profit are people who get in early, because eventually, you’ll have recruited everybody. Everybody will be selling plexus, and there will be nobody left to recruit.
        The only people I see defending these companies are the ones selling it because they are desperate to recruit so they can start making money.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Thank you Sleath for that comment. I am searching and researching Plexus as well. I have been blessed to try a product for my face and it is working wonders so I don’t believe all the garbage that people post about Plexus but on the other hand it is interesting to view how they see things to be on the safe side. If I am going to make money in sales I want to make money, but if it is a scam then no I don’t want to go that way. Sales is what it is..I personally am going into sales anyway I can get it done to make money. Build an empire for me and exactly right not make others rich. Although mlm is the way Plexus is run it don’t look like you don’t make money. you work it it will make you money. As far as all the incentives I think that is cool but really I need to support myself..This is what matters. Now my question is can Plexus do that for me? I hear a lot of good reviews that it can do that and more. Only a person can try it out and see. And by the way I took a look, and no vitamin that I take out there is approved by the drug and food administration so that one will have to be taken with a grain of salt when persecuting Plexus. It is not law to do that I guess because Rexall and Nature made are not approved either my other favorite vitamins that do good. Plexus for the most part has exceptional reviews about people who actually take the time to try their products. That is so cool within itself. For you really can’t judge unless you try it first. And it is right if mlm were such a bad way to do business then there wouldn’t be so many out there that are working just fine, for really in the end the IRS only cares about getting their fair share of the money..what laws really are there against anyone who is willing to do a business and pay the IRS what is owed? Right?


    2. Get more educated before shooting off your mouth MLM is not illegal pyramid schemes are, and I can say first hand the products do work also These product are supplements not drugs you want to bash something how about all the FDA approved medications that are doing more harm than helping people

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Those with good reading comprehension skills will note that this article does not say anything about MLM being illegal. Unethical, sure. The photo of the pyramid, well, you interpret that however you like.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Like fish oil and a million other natural remedies that work, they don’t have to be approved by FDA.
        Plexus isn’t toxic… Just look at their ingredients.
        Less toxic than Kool aid
        Thanks for your input, though.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. I’m not involved in any of these products what so ever and was only researching because I see these products on my Facebook feed, but Mike makes a very valid point here. Even after reading the article, I don’t believe it’s a scam, but would have to do more research to see if the product really does what it says it will do. I’m not interested in it, but it’s always a good idea to research something before you buy into it.


      4. Thank you Mike for your comment. This is very true. Drugs are just horrible and people everywhere are looking for a better way and really when you think about it nature is the best way. Our bodies respond to something meant for us to put in it then something that was created for something else and our bodies don’t tolerate it. take it from me I know all too well..Someone who has a body that wont tolerate chemicals thus forward when things happen to me I greatly suffer in the drugs I am given that are not good for my body. Supposedly help reduce the problem to some degree if I don’t break out in something else but for me I was given warfarin for blood clots yes it is helping yet now I can’t eat the greens I need to eat for my body to be healthy because of the vitamin K in them and I have a huge nasty rash from head to toe now where I am also swollen up like a balloon. And I itch like nothing I have ever known in my life. So for me I question.??? Drugs???if it is reported that they are not good for me yet I trust the medical industry to make it work regardless then it doesn’t of course I am going natural. That makes sense. Since trying Plexus myself one product at a time I have actually been able to clear up my face issues that I am told is allergies to all the outside plants in the valley I live in. Can you imagine how horrible it is for me to pay more then I pay for Plexus product to help clear my face is actually cheaper in cost? Allergy medication is expensive. Just this morning I heard I could spend over $100.00 every two weeks to have allergy shots that I am allergic too anyway have other problems break out but yea the face issue would be gone and I would be pretty again, yet in my pocket book I would be poorer then I was, plus now I have something other to deal with another product to find to cure that. Yet with plexus I am able to take one product that helps me. My face allergies are healing up. Isn’t that amazing? And it is not a drug. It doesn’t surface the problem it gets the root cause and heals my body. Can a person go wrong with that? I don’t think so. If you want more about product review moderator then I am in the process of trusting Plexus and going for it and becoming all that I can in the business for my own experience. Yes my goal is to make money and enough to provide for me now and in the future. Grow with a company that professes to care about the health of me and others. That is a great foundation to stand upon. And most importantly for me to try the products, write my opinion about them and share with others that might be looking for a better way to overcome health issues and not just bandaid them. Everything that is good for you is going to cost money. That is a given. But when the research goes on with prices of things it makes better sense to go Plexus all the way. I can post here if you would like about how the products are affecting me if you would like. I’m willing to try anything. People tell me all the time I am a pretty person but for me because of so many things I suffer from I don’t feel pretty. That really sucks! No one should have to feel ugly because of health issues. Do you think?


    3. Look up Leaky Gut Syndrome. See if you have the symptoms. Plexus addresses gut health, inflammation and blood sugar. The FDA warned Plexus to not use the word Candida (Leaky Gut) as they’d (finally) declared Candida Overgrowth a disease to be treated with anti-fungals….because the FDA is in bed with Big Pharma, and Plexus is a THREAT to Big Pharma. That alone tells me it works, as does my relief from MS symptoms, fatigue, anxiety, depression, allergies, circulation problems, IBS, extra weight….and NOW there are Clinical Trials that prove the Slim, ProBio5 and BioCleanse help you lose weight!

      Liked by 3 people

    4. Truly ignorant statements about Plexus. I’m a customer and the products have done so much for me. I was able to get off my medications and I feel wonderful. People who take the products are usually on them for at least 6 months, and a lot of people stay on them for life. The pink drink is just one of the great products they offer. And as for as a pyramid scheme…that’s obsurd. For one, that’s very illegal and watched closely by authorities, two, I don’t think you even know that a pyramid scheme is. Also, no vitamins or supplements sold over the counter are fda approved. They all have the disclaimer, “These products have not been approved by the fda…..etc., etc. You wrote this dumb article with no real facts, just to get yourself some attention. How sad.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. And there is no different between this and Avon, or Mary Key, Not really. It’s just a different product. Mary Kay products actually do moisturize the skin, and make you look younger, so does many other oils, etc. and regardless you have to keep using them every day for the rest of your life. Some people think these products are a scam for the cost? Others love them. I am not saying the Pink stuff is right or works or even safe;I just learned of it tonight. I am just saying this scheme, I mean business tactic, has proven successful over the years, so why not keep using it?


  2. And you know this Pink Drink is crap because you tried it for a month or two every day and you know from personal experience? And you HAVE fibromyalgia like I do and you “know” that it won’t help you?
    People who spout off their mouths about things they know nothing about are generally losers and other names you would probably write but I won’t here.
    I’m not an Ambassador either. Just a human who has been on this scam natural Pink Drink and feeling better than I have in years.
    Why do you even take the time to write this blog? I challenge you to try something before you bash it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. lol….

      “I’m not an Ambassador either. Just a human who has been on this scam natural Pink Drink and feeling better than I have in years”

      I swear you Plexus people will lie through your teeth to sell that crap to make money! I saw your facebook, and you are an ambassador

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Who says Plexus is currently the #1 health and wellness company? On what grounds? Sales? Not! Please state the facts…


    2. I totally agree! Sounds more like a former angry customer than anything else! And if you want to talk about pyramid scheme, a 9-5 job is a pyramid scheme! You work for a boss, who has a boss, who answers to a boss!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I own a real company? So I don’t have a boss. But when I did, that boss didn’t get a cut of my money or make more money the more people he convinced to work there. Even bosses of commissioned salespeople don’t get cuts of the person three layers down from them.


  3. What’s also funny about your post is that our “required” auto shipment a month is actually on us. See, we have the CHOICE to buy the products monthly or to sell them. Our auto shipment ONLY goes out if we don’t reach the minimum qualification to be commission qualified, which is 100$. And that’s ONE order from one of my customers – currently I have 8! Who are having life changing experiences! Maybe if you took the time to do some research and actually talk to one of us you would see that we care for people, what works best for them, and how we are going to be successful in changing lives.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I’m aware, though that information misses the point. Plexus gets the money whether you pay for it yourself or resell it. Either way it’s guaranteed monthly income.


      1. With all due respect Melissa, don’t our car insurance companies get and keep the money every month and year even if we don’t have an accident? I know you’re going to tell me it’s not apple to apples however it’s the point.

        Additionally, for anyone who doesn’t understand how business works, I want to break it down. The cost of doing business, if someone chooses to be an ambassador requires a consistent and on going investment. I had a business, not MLM, where I invested $85,000 to get open and made 6 figures in 8 months and $1.1 million in 24 months. I invested way more than the $85,000 it took to get my doors open in those 24 months. I spent closer to $300,000 that first 18 months.

        I share this and am someone who hasn’t even tried the product. I think we are all entitled to our opinions however keep in mind the following;
        1. Can you talk about a product if you’ve never tried it yourself?
        2. Just because it didn’t work for you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for others. Everyone’s body composition is different and will react differently to products.
        3. Corporate America is the biggest pyramid scheme going because NO ONE will ever make more than the CEO of the company and if you’re the janitor, you’re probably making the least.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Yeah, I believed that changing lives part too. Only thing that changed was my credibility for engaging in the pink koolaid. Never again. Very unethical company.


  4. Ha ha ha, I love all of the negative comments!! I don’t think they caught the sarcasm…
    I have been a part of several MLM companies. They are a lot of work, props to the people who enjoy it enough to keep them profitable & actually earn a decent living through them. Personally, I am sick of how many MLM’s are around and how every single friend I have does one, then wants me to come to a party and “join”. Which is probably why I loved the article so much, it embodies my own mutual irritation with the people who insist on shoving [insert any MLM here] in my face, figuratively speaking of course. I work very hard already for the money I make, not to mention my “side job” of getting my own company off the ground. I don’t have time for this petty stuff.
    I personally loved your article. Some people just need to realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and clearly you have no interest in joining Plexus. I hope your replies to the comments are equally as witty as your article. 😀


  5. Pyramid schemes are illegal, that’s why Mary Kay and Plexus ARENT pyramid schemes. I’m both a Mary Kay consultant and a Plexus ambassador. The products DO work. And we don’t claim to cure those multitude of conditions and diseases. Plexus is a health and wellness company focused on gut health. Our products also help with things like fatigue, restless sleep, keeping blood pressure and blood sugar at normal levels. Things like losing weight and helping with, for example, RA and thyroid disorders, are simply a side affect of getting your GUT healthy and calming inflammation in the body. FDA does not “approve” health care facilities, laboratories, or manufacturers. FDA does inspect product manufacturers to verify that they comply with good manufacturing practices. FDA does not approve individual food labels before food products can be marketed. But FDA regulations require nutrition information to appear on most foods, including dietary supplements. And mind you this is the same FDA that approved Artificial Coloring Red No. 3 which has been shown to cause cancer in animal studies. So, that doesn’t really say much for the FDA. Please, everyone, do research before you trash products.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. If you are keeping it real, I might suggest you get your facts straight first, lol. For real. It’s no wonder you have no friends. As Holistic Health Coach, I feel sorry for you that you feel the need to bash something you don’t fully know. How about you do some actual research on the products ingredients and educate yourself a bit, instead of blasting about what you “think” you know but obviously do not. Bloggers like you must lead a very lonely life if you are filled with so much negativity. FYI, Morgan Stanley ….you know, the company that backs Facebook and Google, also backs Plexus. Pretty sure they did a little more research than you into the quality of the company they are investing in. Have a good day!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Tell me what exactly is the difference between a business like this and a wholesale store? Or really any business? The fact that this company does its advertising through ACTUAL users? In ANY business word of mouth is its most powerful advertising tool. So as a company you ensure your product is good and people will talk and tell others. Difference is with plexus they pay you for telling others. There are so many misguided and poorly researched comments in this article it hardly deserves to be more than just the spouting of a 5 yr old. Your lack of knowledge about the products is one thing, but your lack of basic economic commerce is shameful. The basic principal of business is to produce a product or service that people like. Human nature is that you want to share when you find something that is great and/or works. Difference is that plexus pays you to share rather than marketing commercials or paying celebrities to put their picture w a product.
    You are basically tearing down a company for choosing to include it’s happy customers as part of growing their company.
    For this comment you will receive my email; I challenge (and give permission) you to contact me. Try the products honestly and consistenly for 60 days. Then write some truth about your experience. Perhaps you will be among the 1% of people that will return them, but odds are you will be among the 99% that don’t 😉

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh my gosh. Thank u. I would be happy, as would my sponsor & team leader, to speak to how Plexus has improved my health. Only people that have felt actual improvements r the ones selling. Can’t get any more real than that. Yes! The people that share are compensated for sharing. I have no idea how anyone can call that a scheme. & koolaid…REALLY?! It’s only red bc of beets! Pretty sure red no3 or whatever is koolaid’s source. Plus it’s 100% sugar water. Hardly begins to describe ingredients of Plexus. This article is way for false than the author claims that Plexus is!!!! Here’s my website when u decide to try Plexus for urself. Then u may hv the knowledge to write an intelligent article actually based on facts instead of a temper tantrum about ur annoyance w humans.

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      1. the people who are posting tons are not doing what “normal” people suggest they do. they are overdoing it. that is their personal issue, not plexus or MLM issue. Plexus encourages their sharers to put the word out but 1 or 2 xs a day. they encourage sharers to post about their own lives to allow their faces to be seen as many of ur posts throughout the day are not seen by everyone on your friends list. again, if it bothers u that much, u just unfollow. yes, that’s what u do. it’s simple. & if ur curious about what is up w this “friend” that u “care” about, u can just click right to their personal page & get the scoop thru their photo albums or whatever. every person is free to use facebook however they choose. if they lose “friends” bc of it, i guess then such is life. i assume they’ll be friends in real life if they don’t mind actually being face to face w someone. this is just all so silly. u do u, I’ll do Me!

        someone mentioned beet color not being pink…it actually is when it’s diluted. pink & purple. dk what “red” beets they’ve been eating or drinking…pretty sure they haven’t peeled a fresh beet or eaten one bf if they don’t know this.


  7. actually…it’s not really binary – it’s more like SUNBURST. We are paid on everyone who has at least $100 PV in purchases every month!!! I’m Sr. Ruby and am making MORE than I ever did in corporate america with a large auto insurance company. I am also a stay at home, homeschooling mom and only work when the boys are in bed during nap or bed time. So….Plexus is totally different. I love it.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Mad props to those of you who took this blog post as a personal challenge to convert me into a Plexus user. What big balls you have there. (The better to…screw you with? My dear?)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. U really need to do some self reflection. Maybe a yoga class or 2?? & conversion is not needed. But most people who want to blast things hv either tried what they’re reviewing or have learned more than extraneous facts that hv been piecemeal put together to come to a completely incorrect conclusion.


    2. pretty sure it’s more in defense of Plexus which is legit & ur accusing otherwise. the invite was sarcasm. i’m sure u speak that language.


    3. You’ve had 37 jobs? And it seems to be someone else’s fault that you can’t hold a job because of “job security”? You don’t look very old, so I’m sure you had something to do with going from place to place. And companies don’t normally hire people that have had more jobs then their age, so they resort to blogging about shit they have no idea about. Kudos to you.


  9. My wife sells this crap. We’ve spent more on it than she’s made. She got roped in to it by some girl she went to high school with, but never actually talked to while they were in school together. The girl hounded her for about 7-8 months before my wife gave in. She was told it would be the $35 annual fee and nothing else would need to be spent monthly. Then I find out about that stupid auto-order thing. My wife felt like she couldn’t sell something that she didn’t actually take. So I agreed to let her buy the Slim. $77 for it and it tastes like crap. Her up-lines then kept pushing her to add other products in with it and then take pictures with the product packaging. We spent $143 on 4 different products one month. The up-lines were also pushing her to buy extra slim to hand out to strangers as samples. Which of course is just more profit for the company and more loss for us. They pushed this as solely being done on social media and selling to your family and friends. When we hit a point where she exhausted a few hundred contacts from both her page and mine, they started pushing the sample thing and approaching strangers in public with it. They also encouraged her to start adding people she didn’t know to her Facebook. These girls make every single post on their timeline about Plexus somehow. And all the friends who like and comment are all other ambassadors. It’s like a cult. It’s a scam and I wish my wife would let it go already.


    1. You “let” your wife buy Slim? I wouldn’t buy something from someone who didn’t take the product either. Why would you even want to sell something you don’t like?


  10. My husband and I are Amway distributors and have been over 6 years (so I have NO problem with network marketing OR MLMs) but what I do have a problem with is the way Plexus and “It Works” ambassadors take to Facebook to bombard their friends ( who don’t care about their products ) on a DAILY basis with “sincere” posts about how it’s changed their lives and blah blah blah. I get a post here or there about a great product that’s come out or something like that, but I swear the up line for several of my friends has made it a requirement for all their down line to at least make one post A DAY about the business. This is not a good way to build a business, it’s just a way to irritate your friends! I would “unfriend” these friends if I didn’t actually care about them or their actual lives outside of this business. I really wish there was a way to block keywords on Facebook, but there’s not. Think about it- you have a pretty set group of friends- blasting that same group of friends on a daily basis about your business is probably NOT going to persuade anybody. It’s tactics like these that give MLMs a bad rap. You shouldn’t put your friends in a position where they have to decide whether to have their Facebook feeds taken over by Plexus ads or unfollow someone they care about.


    1. Actually, when Plexus sharers post, they change their posts from friends only to public. So, you’re incorrect. You don’t have a “pretty set group of friends,” you have the entire world (so to speak). Also, business people are making new friends all of the time while networking. Therefore, their friend list is growing & changing. If I post about my dogs or kids daily, there is always gonna be someone that is “irritated” by those posts. This is evident as I’ve had many friends who’ve had kids “later in life” make pages for their children so their friends don’t have to be “bothered” by their baby pics. I think this is ridiculous. Either you’re my friend or not. We don’t have to have all of the same interests to be friends. Especially not on Facebook, for goodness sake. You can certainly hide all of the friends that post things that annoy you (hello, it’s election year. need i say more). That’s your choice. Get to work on that. Or stop worrying about what other people post. Focus on yourself while also being happy for people & the choices they make in their lives. Have a nice day:)


      1. When I share pictures of my kids and cats, I am not also trying to recruit them to SELL my kids and cats. That’s the annoying part. “Friends” aren’t constantly using one another for their own personal gain. Asking once, sure, go for it. Bombarding them with it to the point where it’s the only thing they hear/see you talk about? Friendship over.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Sorry, most people who have Facebook do care about seeing their friend’s children and families and the basics of what is going on in their life. I certainly don’t get on to read posts about Plexus but that’s about 30% of my newsfeed right now. The amount of posts which Plexus ambassadors post about Plexus is absolutely ridiculous. If I tried a new store that I really liked and posted about it multiple times a day, people would think I’m crazy. If you asked the people on your Facebook friend’s list to be honest with you, I’m sure the majority would probably agree that they get tired of seeing your posted ads on their newsfeed. Who knows how many people have unfollowed you because they are tired of being advertised to. And don’t say “Well they aren’t really my friends then” because that’s not the case. Being a friend shouldn’t mean being subjected to an MLM they aren’t interested in several times a day. My real issue is that it seems like it is Plexus in particular that resorts to these tactics way more than any other MLM. That tells me that the up line are pushing the downline to do it. It’s unnatural and fake and it’s one of the things that gives MLM a bad rap.


      1. I have a friend who posts a new miracle that it does every week. She said it cures autism. Seriously. Diabetes, seriously. Shes as fat today as she was when she started it, but she’s an Emerald and speaks at all the events. Good for her, but c’mon. What nonsense.


      2. Ummmm I understand you not wanting to see those posts Melissa however, it is Facebook and you have the option to unfollow or unfriend them. I would guarantee you have posts in which others have unfollowed you or unfriended you. It’s called social media and the free world. If someone I’m connected to posts too much in any topic or subject, I unfollow them and poof their stuff is gone from my feed. Tolerance is a really good thing for this country to learn.


    3. well with this one I have to say that everyone has to make money one way or another and since the laws are as such it makes it really impossible to make sales. If the laws were different we wouldn’t have to bombard family and friends with all our ads. I think social sites are awesome and on that note when you think about all the complainers that complain everyday about their lives even though it is a sales tactic I would rather see something positive and encouraging even if in an ad then see someone always complaining about something that they themselves has to fix no one can fix it for them. I guess what matters is friends and family can read and be encouraged about their health or they can ignore it but the sales person has a job to do and I am so thankful for the social sites that allow this to take place so the sales person can have a job make money and care about peoples health in the process. For me Plexus works..


  11. Hahahahahahaha girl you have no clue what you’re talking about!! I am an ambassador I don’t have to pay ANYTHING if I don’t want to. However, I do bc these products have kept me from getting my migraines that I’ve had since elementary, restless legs, allergies, IBS, more energy, waaaay better sleep, and the list goes on. You bet I’m going to share about this!! I have people thank me all the time for sharing, so you better believe I’m going to keep doing it. If you only new what this companies integrity was like. Any company giving back 50% of there profits to their people and has regular ambassadors working in their office to help do what best for everyone is doing something right, which explains why they’ve grown so big so fast!! The only bad thing I see about this long drawn out blog is that you’re missing out on something that could change your life as well as people around you for the better. The things I’ve seen first hand are more than enough to keep me faithful and to thank God daily for bringing Plexus across my path!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow Jenny, does compliance know about all the claims you make here? What about the FDA? I’ll be sure to include your post in my letter to them. Thanks for sharing.


      1. Jenny is saying what it has done for HER, which is not illegal. She’s not saying it cures cancer, but it has helped HER with some of her ailments, as it’s helped me drastically with mood and hormonal imbalances. Not everything is a scam, and not everything works for everyone. We like what it has done for us, and want to HELP OTHERS. If that makes us awful people, so be it.


    2. My goodness, Jenny! Sounds like you are a very, very sickly girl with all of those ailments! You are so lucky that Plexus has cured you of everything! It’s a wonder the world of actual medicine has never found out about this miracle cure!


    3. Thank you Jenny for sharing. I too agree Plexus products work. Anyone who dares try them is going to benefit from them in one way or another and it is true the company does things to be fair by people who work with them.


  12. I haven’t seen any other mention of it but there’s a major error in your math. Three percent of $225,570,000 is $6,767,100. Divided by 100 that’s $67,671. So they’re earning considerably more than you calculated.


  13. The Pink Drink Scam – used to be all about “drink pink and shrink”, then it turned to “get healthy not skinny”. Really? What do YOU think? See more of this deceptive company here: Oh, and you wanna know if Plexus works? Is it safe? Check it out here: You’re welcome. Now go wash that pink dribble off your chin!


    1. Because a blog is where you want to learn the truth about a company people are bitter about because they know nothing of what they’re talking about.


  14. Lets talk about that “free Lexus” for a minute. You can buy or lease the car. Plexus give you $500 per month towards the car, but wait for it………….that $500 is 1099 to you as income. Also, how many of you have priced a Lexus lately??? You are looking at $600-$900 a month for that car. So you get 500 that’s income taxable to you and you pay 2-300 per month for that car, HOW IS IT FREE????

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Lady you need to get a life and some education! Really! If you have that much time to bash amazing companies based on your uneducated opinion at least
    Go do some real research on the koolaid ingredients that you claim.
    You are a total joke!


  16. I’m one of the people keep seeing plexus on my fb. It made me think what is this product that people think it’s like a miracle drink. I just don’t believe in shortcuts. If you wAnt to get skinny eat less and more exercise. What happens to your liver after taking so much stuff? From what I see from the posts, people get energy, etc from taking slim and stopped drinking coffee. I see this as just a replacement to thier coffee/caffeine needs.


  17. I was approached by a Plexus ambassador today. She was so bubbly as she told me about how she has been drinking it for a year, and that it melts the fat right off. It helps painful conditions! It cures THIS AND THAT, and she just knew I could benefit from it. The interesting thing was she didn’t want to sell me anything, she wanted to recruit me to sell it.
    So I let her speak her peace and then asked her some very important questions.
    “Melts the fat right off, you say? Why are you over 200lbs if it just melts the fat right off? If it fixes painful conditions and helps your joints, why do you have a knee brace on?”
    Get off my porch lady. I am not buying your bunk, and I am certainly not allowing you to recruit me.


    1. Because being bubbly is awful! Why would you want to talk to someone who’s happy and wants to share? You people on this blog are pitiful. Until you try the product (any product), you have no right to bash it.


  18. Reading this blog post about plexus is actually refreshing. I get why you are anti-plexus, the idea of it is sorta annoying in a sense where there are tons a women out there running around telling everyone how great a pink drink is….

    However, plexus is actually a smart company. When the creators first launched their product (slim) aka pink drink it was for diabetics. Then they launched more products, and instead of just putting their product on a shelf and spending a lot of money on advertising they formed an MLM company, (pretty smart).

    Also if you aren’t a supplement taker you probably wouldn’t see the point in plexus. I have taken numerous supplements over the years and none stand up to plexus esp the probiotic. As far as people who claim it “melts the fat right off” no….for anything to really work you need to do something for at least a month or two to see results (if there are any).

    I do appreciate your bluntness and sarcasm, but like I said unless you are supplement taker you probably don’t have much to compare to. It also sounds like you are most upset about how the company is set up, which coming from a business women like yourself (I saw you sold fabric) you should appreciate the model instead of bashing it.


  19. My wife and I have benefited from these products, and we know many more that have as well. I can’t believe you people actually have time to trash out other people who are trying to make an honest living and improve their health. Go back to your caves, haters! For all we know, you are just selling something else that competes with Plexus and are doing this to prop up your business by discrediting the competition. Your opinions are like (you know)…everyone has one and they stink.


  20. Completely unsurprised to see Plexus lackeys in here trying to parrot what their uplines have told them. The biggest myth going right now is the “it really works” lie that they are all about right now.

    Recently, Plexus released results of an unpublished, non peer-reviewed “study” in an attempt to generate interest in their product. Using just the details they provided, which are completely unsubstantiated and unconfirmed, here is what you will find:

    “Plexus has a new study regarding the Plexus Triplex Combo, which includes Plexus Slim. The study investigated the safety and efficacy of the natural dietary supplements on weight loss.
    The 8 week study included men and women with a BMI (body mass index) of 27 kg/m2.
    Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height, and applies to most adult men and women aged 20 and over. For children aged 2 and over, BMI percentile is the best assessment of body fat.
    The study included 196 subjects who were randomly assigned to either Plexus Slim (one packet, twice/day) or Plexus Triplex combo supplements (one pack of slim, twice/day one capsule of Bio-Cleanse twice/day, and one capsule/day of ProBio5), or the corresponding placebo controls.
    Out of that, 175 subjects actually completed the study. The results were as follows:
    Plexus Slim Results: The group of subjects who took the Plexus Slim supplement lost an average of 4.46 pounds. Those who were part of the placebo group lost an average of 2.12 pounds.
    Plexus Triplex Results: The Plexus Triplex combo group lost an average of 6.11 pounds, whereas there was a small increase in weight over time in the placebo group.
    Plexus Slim – Plexus Triplex Combo Research Conclusion
    The study showed that 11.1% of the individuals in the Plexus Slim group and 25.6% in the Plexus Triplex combo group lost at least 5% of their initial body weight
    Of those who were part of the other two placebo groups, no individuals were found to have lost as much weight as those who were taking the Plexus products.”

    If that’s Earth-shattering (losing an average of 6 pounds in eight weeks), I’m even more amused. Ambassadors – divide 6 by 8 and tell me what you get. I’m coming up with around .75. That’s not even a pound a week. And you’re out there making these great claims about it “working”? I think people could walk around the block once a day and get better results!

    And all of you ambassadors who are on here and elsewhere making claims of cured Fibromyalgia, migraines, and other ailments, you are in direct violation of your Ambassador agreement. You are not authorized to make these claims. Quit lying to others and giving them false information about this product which has never been tested, never been checked by an outside quality control entity, and never had a disclosure made about where its ingredients are sourced.


  21. You are such a hater 😂😂😂😂 I will pray for you! Yes plexus is in fire and treats their ambassadors amazing! Sorry not sorry. #Plexusfreedom #yourwrong


  22. I think if someone wants to sell Plexus or any of the other things, it’s their business. Here is my sticking point, when I had a business and I wanted to promote that business on Facebook, I had a business page, and people could “like” my page and get all the information about it. I may occasionally post something that happened in the business on my personal feed when it was appropriate, but business posts went on my BUSINESS page, not personal. I don’t know how all these people feel it’s appropriate to sell on Facebook on their personal pages. It should be against Facebook’s policies, the people should be reported. I’m feel an occasional post if it’s personal in nature, but about the business if fine, but seriously, that’s all Facebook is now. Every day, I have to stop following someone.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Actually, you have got the whole pay thing wrong… Also, it’s not a scam…. MLM’s just don’t pay over-rated actors MILLIONS to pretend to use a manufacturer’s product.


    1. Never said it was a scam! Boy, are your kind defensive on that very touchy subject. You are the only ones using the term scam here. It’s almost like you’ve been accused of this before…


  24. I am not a Plexus user or ambassador, however I do have a direct marketing business. I get paid by volume, not by any legs or anything like that… just volume. My company operates ethically and we are explicitly told to NEVER EVER make medical claims or to make outlandish financial claims either. It’s hard work! But it does pay off. I don’t bug my friends – We have simply let the results speak for themselves. My husband is healthier, has cut out sugar and other harmful things from his diet and lost 40 pounds since the beginning of the year. My company has many products and that I think also makes it attractive (because how much of ONE SINGLE product can you use/sell).
    Direct Marketing isn’t for everyone. People who want a trade off for their time should be an employee. But people with an entrepreneurial spirit who are intelligent (by the way, we have people in this business who are advanced degree professionals, MD, JD PhD and others who started this business on the side because they liked the products and wanted a discount on them…. that’s how I started. So, while I agree with a lot that you say because I’ve seen it out there and experienced it myself, you should be aware that not every company is like that. Guess what, I can make commission checks and have NOBODY signed up beneath me. You can get to the car level (in the 3rd of 4 levels) and NOT have an army of people beneath you. You are promoted by volume. so if you have an ace or two you may have fewer than another person on your level who has 8 or 10 people under them. As far as this being a pyramid scheme. I don’t get a single DIME from someone signing up under me. I only receive commission on the product they purchase and their sales. That my friends, is VERY MUCH like a normal company sales division. And may I remind you most companies also resemble a pyramid in respects to their structure AND their pay scale. Like most sales that do not pay a “draw” or salary, people are paid based on their effort. The key to it all is having a product worth selling and working with a company that is ethical, transparent and committed to both their customers and their internal team. I have intentionally NOT posted my company’s name because I’m not trying to prospect, nor do I want to hear about someone’s bad experience from a representative who didn’t follow the rules, or quit before she/he had any success. I KNOW this business works – for clients and for the sellers.


  25. Why is it necessary to make an entire webpage about how much you hate something. If its not for you, just move one. Its not going to work the same for everyonw, thats why there is a 60 day money back gaurantee. But, what if it did fix all the things in your life that are going wrong. We choose to be hopeful and positive. I choose to be happy…


    1. I would like to introduce you to the concept of a “blog post.” A blog post differs from a “website” in some very key ways. You know what, this seems a little complicated for you.

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  26. I had someone tell me lately that she asked Mary Kay Ash what was one mistake she made in her life. Her response “The pink car”. The person telling me this went into detail why she felt this way it made so much seance. It really opened my eyes to what really earning a car involves. It’s in my opinion as bad as having a drug problem. If you don’t make your sales guess what you have to come up with that money for the lease. If not repo guy comes. Can you imagine how imbarasing that is after months of boasting your success and plastering pictures all over the place of the car. To me it’s a carrot that leads to being hostage or feeling eventually like a failure if business takes a turn. Which that happens to even huge companies. What makes me think as a small business owner I can’t go thru a ruff patch. So you never know. Any how. I have been in DS over 10 years. Now with my third company and what I consider very successful 3 times. With this being my final retirement company. It’s sad that people are driven and don’t understand the fine print or look at the big picture. It’s even worse that many don’t interview their mentor. I love DS and the industry when done right. Thank you for explaining to me what is going on. Because until I heard the Mary Kay Ash comment and now this. I too was like what the heck is going on and why are so many people getting a car so easily. Starting a business is never easy. And if it is… well most likely thee is something fishy or deeper to the story. Thanks for the comical article and the info.


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